
Do you need Kent Pest Control ?

The mouse is without a doubt one of the most well-known of house pests. In fact, the vast majority of companies that offer pest control in Kent will spend the majority of their time dealing with mouse infestations. As you may know, there are a number of different ‘breeds’ of mouse in the United Kingdom. They all tend to have the same habits though, albeit with a few subtle differences which I will not highlight on this page. Here we are just going to briefly run through the life span, breeding habits, and feeding habits of the mouse.

Out in the ‘wild’ a mouse will often live for no more than a year. If they can live to the age of eighteen months then they are lucky. This is because they are quite a small animal and that makes them easy prey for birds, foxes, and anything else that is feeling hungry that day. This is why the vast majority of mice will find shelter. It is no uncommon for mice who live in ‘sheltered’ accommodation (i.e. breaking and entering into your home) to live for up to three years at a time. This means that they are going to cause a lot of problems. Don’t forget, they will be breeding throughout this, making tons of lovely other mice that you are going to have to deal with.

When it comes to breeding there are a few differences between the different types of mice. If the conditions are right though, the average mouse will have around ten litters each year (the conditions will be right in your home as they have heating, warmth, and everything that they really need to thrive). These litters can have up to 14 pups in them, although it is more commonly seated around the three to five mark. This means that if you do not get in touch with a company that provides pest control in Kent (and you will be surprised at how many people do not), you are going to be dealing with a mouse infestation pretty quickly….and it is going to be very difficult to quell it at the rates that they breed.

When it comes to feeding, mice are surprisingly adaptable to their environment. They are herbivores who outdoors will mainly eat fruit and grains. Once they get inside almost anything is ‘fair game’ to them though. They will feed on scraps of food (which is the main thing that they will attract them to your property), they will invade your cupboards, and they will eat just about anything that they can get their paws onto. In short, they are going to cause havoc in your home, and they are going to leave lovely (well, not so much) droppings along the way.

Remember, mice may look like cute little cuddly creatures (in most cases at least, if you are scared of them then they will be a far cry from that). However, if you spot a mouse infestation in your home or business property then you will need to get in touch with a company that deals with pest control in Kent as soon as possible. Mice can pose a number of health risks and if you are unlucky they can cause severe structural damage to your property which can be pretty tough to repair. They therefore need to be dealt with as soon as you can.


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